How Will You Spend Your Time This Christmas?
Lots of us will have plenty of spare time on our hands this Christmas. Whilst that provides a great opportunity to relax, some of us might want to do a little more with our time. Upbeat Integration Manager Elliot recommends some thought-provoking reads for the festive season.
Almost Christmas everyone! How will you spend your time? Chatting to relatives? Eating Turkey sandwiches? Watching the Call The Midwife Christmas Special? Here’s a suggestion; in fact two.
Suggestion 1, read a book. Hope Not Fear by Hassan Akkad is a 2021 book that tells Hassan’s story of how he fled Syria. The book then continues with his life in the UK and how he started working as a hospital cleaner, photographer and campaigner during the pandemic. It’s available to buy here. Why not buy it for yourself, for a friend, or for that neighbour that can’t quite work out why care so much about refugees?
Suggestion 2, watch a film. The Swimmers is a film recently released on Netflix. This film is a true story based on the book Butterfly by Yusra Mardini. At two and a quarter hours it’s a long and emotional film. I don’t wish to spoil the film by telling you any more, but if you are like the Grinch at Christmas, perhaps watching this will help your heart to grow three sizes. Click here to watch the trailer.
Image: Netflix
Or if you don’t like films, you can always buy the book that the film is based on here. In a season of hope and festivities, maybe it will prompt you to think of those seeking safety, and how we can make a difference to their experiences in the UK by living more compassionately in 2023.
Elliot — Integration Manager & Tutor
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