Information, Advice and Guidance Policy
Part of the work of Upbeat Communities is to provide information, advice and guidance to our participants. This policy relates to our Integration Hub project, resettlement support and Derby Language School, and aims to reflect the work we do in these environments. If you would like to read this policy translated into another language please contact us and we will be happy to do this for you.
Information, Advice and Guidance Policy (English)
Information, Advice and Guidance Policy (Arabic)
Information, Advice and Guidance Policy (Spanish)
Information, Advice and Guidance Policy (Tigrinya)
Information, Advice and Guidance Offer
Part of the work of Upbeat Communities is to provide information, advice and guidance to our participants. This document explains what information, advice and guidance we can offer. If you would like to read this policy translated into another language please contact us and we will be happy to do this for you.
Information, Advice and Guidance Offer (English)
Information, Advice and Guidance Offer (Arabic)
Information, Advice and Guidance Offer (Spanish)
Information, Advice and Guidance Offer (Tigrinya)
Other Upbeat Communities Policies
If you would like to read any of these policies translated into another language please contact us and we will be happy to do this for you.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy